OSHA Hazmat Online Safety Course

radioactive waste

The OSHA hazmat online safety course is designed to Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines, which exist for virtually every industry. The guidelines help employers determine whether there is a need for training, what goals and objectives exist regarding the course, and how best to design workplace learning activities.

Purpose of OSHA Hazmat Online Safety Course

OSHA believes that training is an essential part of every employer's safety and health program for protecting workers from injuries and illnesses. The hazmat course is intended to promote the safety of employees who are involved in the handling and transport of hazardous materials, and to increase the awareness of applicable rules and regulations. Some sites that offer online safety courses that meet OSHA requirements include:

Importance of Hazmat Course

As new industrial products enter the market every day, the rules and regulations that govern the handling and transport of hazardous materials become increasingly complex. New packaging designs and specifications are continually being introduced, many of them providing a safe and more economical means of transporting hazardous materials.

More such materials are being transported than ever before. Although incidents are relatively few, the potential dangers involved with the transport of hazardous materials have resulted in more stringent regulations and enforcement. These regulations are constantly monitored and updated.

The development of the nuclear industry throughout the world is one example of the increased need for regulations regarding hazardous materials. As nuclear technology has grown with the development of nuclear power and nuclear pharmaceuticals, there is a larger amount of radioactive waste that must be safely transported and stored.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of the OSHA Hazmat Online Safety Course, individuals will be able to:

  • Identify proper shipping methods for hazardous materials in air, water, and land
  • Include the necessary information on shipping papers for specific types of hazardous wastes
  • Utilize the proper labeling, marking, and placarding needed for hazardous waste transportation
  • Gather information required for incident reporting and emergency notification
  • Understand the documentation necessary for shipping papers and manifests

Employees Who Take the Course

Individuals in certain types of jobs routinely manage hazardous materials. These include workers who:

  • Load, unload, and handle various materials
  • Select, mark, label, or modify containers or packaging
  • Prepare items for shipping
  • Transport of hazardous materials
  • Operate vehicles that may come into contact with potentially dangerous materials

Taking the Course

Once you have registered online for the hazmat safety course, you are given six months to complete it. Students can log in and train virtually anywhere that they have Internet access. You can work at your own pace, and can complete the course all at one time or in multiple sessions. All quizzes and the final exam must be passed with a grade of at least 70 percent. You can take the final exam as many as three times, if necessary. Upon successful completion of the course, you can download a printable certificate that will satisfy OSHA certification requirements. For more information, visit the OSHA website.

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OSHA Hazmat Online Safety Course