Heat Stress Safety Programs

Thermometer close up

Heat stress safety programs educate both employers and employees about the dangers associated with working in hot environments or being exposed to extreme heat. Depending on a person's job and location, heat stress and heat-related illnesses can affect people that work outdoors or inside.

National Safety Compliance

National Safety Compliance, known as the NSC, offers several training kits on heat stress. The company produces and distributes their safety training programs in compliance with OSHA. Their heat stress programs include:

  • basic training kit that includes a 12- minute Heat Stress DVD or VHS, a trainer's guide, one employee booklet, a reproducible quiz with an answer sheet and a reproducible certificate
  • deluxe training kit that includes all of the above plus five posters and 30 employee booklets
  • training program on a CD-ROM that also includes a tracking program
  • additional employee training boooks may be ordered at an additional cost

The topics covered in the National Safety Compliance Heat Stress training program include:

  • different types of situations and conditions that lead to illnesses that are heat related
  • how a person's body reacts to heat
  • methods to prevent heat stress and other heat-related illnesses
  • heat stroke symptoms and how to recognize them
  • heat stress and heat exhaustion
  • First Aid for heat stress

Affordable Safety Training

Affordable Safety Training offers a Heat Stress Compliance Kit that helps companies train their employees to work safely in hot environments. The kit includes a Heat Stress Written Safety Program that can be customized to suit the needs of a specific business.

When you purchase the training kit you have the choice of receiving it as CD or as a downloadable program. The Heat Stress Compliance Kit includes the following items:

  • quick start checklist
  • safety PowerPoint presentation
  • written safety plan (customizable)
  • tools worksheet for participants
  • quiz with an answer sheet
  • hands-on evaluation form
  • audit form
  • template for an emergency action plan
  • template for a wallet card training record
  • certificate of completion

Safety Videos

Safety Videos offers a training video on heat stress safety in either English or Spanish. The program comes on a DVD or VHS and includes:

  • DVD/VHS safety training video
  • package of 30 employee booklets
  • five motivational posters with a focus on encouraging workers to avoid injuries by working safely
  • leader's guide
  • quiz
  • reproducible attendance form
  • reproducible scheduling form
  • training log
  • training certificate

The topics covered in the program are:

  • heat stress, heat stroke and heat exhaustion
  • dituations that cause heat stress to occur
  • heat stress symptoms
  • how a body reacts to stress
  • preventing heat stress and related illnesses
  • First Aid

The Workplace Safety Store

The Workplace Safety Store offers a Heat Stress Safety Meeting Kit and a Heat Stress Safety program (in DVD and VHS formats) similar to the one offered at National Safety Compliance. However, this website also includes:

  • complete outline of the information included in the course
  • general information on heat stress
  • course objectives, structure and organization

Additional Resources for Heat Stress Safety

A Safer Workplace

Heat stress safety programs are important resources that help make work places safer. By learning how to prevent heat stress in the workplace the number of occupational injuries and illnesses resulting from extreme heat can be greatly reduced or eliminated. By knowing the different forms of heat stress and the symptoms they cause, the issue is identified sooner and the affected worker can receive treatment promptly.

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Heat Stress Safety Programs