Internet Safety Quiz

How safe is your family on the Internet?

If you think you are safe being online, take our Internet safety quiz to be sure. Thousands of people log onto the Web each day and expose their personal information to identity thieves, cyber bullies and predators unknowingly.

How Safe are You?

The following quiz should help you identify where you and your family needs to be more vigilant when surfing the web.

Internet Safety Quiz

Answer the following questions using a yes or a no. Check the correct answers at the end of the following questions.

  1. When you log on to the Internet, it is a good idea to use a nickname
  2. The name of your computer or workstation is your actual name
  3. When you shop you always check the security of the Web site before you enter personal and credit card information
  4. When your children surf on the Internet you have a filter in place to protect them from potential predators
  5. It is OK to give your credit card information in an e-mail if the store you were shopping at online asks for it again
  6. It is all right to give your name, address and birth date when registering to use a Web site online
  7. When you use chat rooms, it is OK to give private information as long as it is within a private chat room
  8. It is OK to give out your Social Security number when you are on the Internet. Everyone who uses the Internet has access to it anyway
  9. Blogging is a good way to voice my opinion and I don't have to use my real name
  10. It is OK to post family pictures on the Internet so friends and family can view them

Answers to the Quiz

  1. Yes. It is always a good idea to use a nickname when you log on to the Internet. Don't make it easy for identity thieves to find you.
  2. No. When you get a new computer, many people use their own names to create their computer's identity, or their workstation's identity. While it may be difficult in some workplaces to change an assigned identity, there is no reason that your personal computer should have your real name. Identity thieves can easily find out where you are and your personal information by tracking a computer's name.
  3. Yes. Always check that the site you are shopping on is secure. One way is to check the bottom corner of your browser's window to see if a closed padlock is visible. Other browser versions may have the padlock near the browser's address window. The VeriSign logo is also helpful in identifying online stores that have secure shopping set up.
  4. Yes. Purchasing an Internet filter is a cheap and effective way to protect your children while they are surfing online. Many ISPs also offer this as part of a family bundle that can be installed at any time on your computer. Filters work by checking for sites that have been reported as inappropriate as well as scanning for inappropriate keywords and pornography.
  5. No. If you receive an e-mail from a store you recently shopped at online requesting for your credit card information again, ignore it. Secure shopping sites do not provide the merchant with your complete credit card number in order to protect you. If someone asks you for this information they are phishing. Report this to their customer service department as soon as possible.
  6. No. It is never a good idea to give out your birth date on the Internet. Most websites request this as an option. Protect yourself from identity thieves and ignore this request.
  7. No. Even in private chat rooms it is never a good idea to give out private information. You have no way of knowing to whom you are talking unless you have met someone in person before. Never give out personal information such as the school you attend, where you work or your full name to strangers.
  8. No. Never assume that everyone has access to personal identifying information. While it is possible to obtain this information, very few people really know how to access it. Protect your Social Security number and other identifying pieces of information from prying eyes.
  9. No. Blogging is a good way for people to express their opinions and vent. However, never assume that your identity is a secret. Bloggers usually have to register in order to post comments and blog. There are many ways to track those that blog and to find out their true identities.
  10. No. While posting pictures on the Internet is a great way to share photos with friends and family, it is also a way for predators to identify potential victims. This is especially true for pedophiles. If you have to post a photo on the Internet, set up a secure website that can only be accessed by password. Then only share the password with family members and let them know it is to keep everyone safe.

How Did You Score?

If you got all 10 questions correct, hooray! You have a good grasp of what is safe to do on the Internet and things that you should avoid.

Was your score below a 7 on our Internet safety quiz? Go back and read the correct answers and commit them to memory. Every day hundreds of people fall prey to phishing scams, identify theft and predators. Protect yourself and your family by not giving out personal information or photos, using kid-friendly filters and carefully guarding your financial information.

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Internet Safety Quiz